Marina Declarey

Marina Declarey

Marina Declarey, an interior architect and designer who runs her own creative studio, has a long-standing passion for craftsmanship and "Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage-labeled companies). This young woman's all-embracing, precursory exploration into the realms of know-how has led her to forge special bonds with manufacturers and to gain in-depth insight from them on techniques, the latest innovations, as well as challenges intrinsic to the various materials she encounters.

The creations she imagines following in-workshop immersive experiences, such as the Serif Lamp for Mercoeur, unlock the essence of materials and draw the gaze to the wealth of know-how infused within. By masterfully initiating meetings of minds between her own practice and those of craftspeople, Marina Declarey constantly nourishes her intentions with an array of artistic and cultural references that exquisitely empower her creations.

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